Waubgeshig Rice’s Moon Of The Turning Leaves is the gripping sequel to the award-winning post-apocalyptic novel Moon of the Crusted Snow, a brave scouting party of hunters and harvesters led by Evan Whitesky must venture into unknown and dangerous territory to find a new home for their close-knit but slowly starving Northern Ontario Indigenous community more than a decade after a world-ending blackout.
Indigenous writing has mostly consisted of the literature of grievance and suffering, but now writers are expanding their range to other areas and genres such as sci-fi and horror. Waub’s writing centers on creative new perspectives and genres, introducing a whole new topic of conversation.
Waub in conversation on the Commotion Podcast:
On this special episode of Commotion airing on the National Day For Truth and Reconciliation, musician Marek Tyler, writer Waubgeshig Rice, and visual artist Susan Blight discuss how the concept of Indigenous Futurism inspires artists across all disciplines, and how its forward-thinking philosophies reimagine narratives and promote Indigenous self-determination.
Listen here:
How Indigenous Futurism Is Changing The Conversation