We are currently closed to unsolicited queries for representation, and are only fielding referrals from Literary Agents or current AU Authors.

Resources for authors

We understand that most of our favorite authors are also juggling their professional work, family life, publisher commitments – and finding time here and there to relax!  Our goal is to free authors from the sometimes-tricky hurdles that come with managing appearance schedules, not to mention the never-ending job of promoting their books for literary programming nationwide.

But most importantly, we aim to build relationships with authors. We make a commitment to every author we work with to provide prompt, respectful and clear communication – working toward professional friendships that extend beyond a single event. We’re not the biggest agency out there, but our love of literature and its craft is second to none.


AU Supported Authors

When we on-board a new Supported Author, we take the time to get to know you, exploring what you love most about doing events and how we can create the best experience possible for all involved.

We design a custom speaker profile page for AU Supported authors on our website, coordinate with publishers to distribute books for committees to review, and actively promote these titles to our hosts in targeted outreach.

Once an author is shortlisted by one of our hosts, we provide marketing collateral, testimonials, programming ideas and promotional support to champion its adoption.

A|U Supported Authors list us on their website as the contact for speaking engagements.

We receive each inquiry and work with the host to find partners, develop budgets, and prepare a detailed invitation to review with the author.

Knowing the author's needs, we make sure the offer is customized to their specific preferences.

Each and every offer is presented to the author, no matter the circumstances.

It's hard to say no! When it becomes clear, after conferring closely with the author, that an event just won't work, we can decline graciously on their behalf.

Once an event invitation is accepted by the author, we handle all event contracts between the host and the author, collect payments and expense stipends, arrange advance media promotion, and electronically remit honorarium to the author immediately upon receipt.

Leading up to the event, A|U coordinates all logistics with the host, including home-city and event-city transportation, flights, car service, hotel accommodations, incidental expenses, minute-by-minute event itineraries, and presentation needs. When possible, we arrange a conference call with the author and host, so that everyone gets to know each other and what to expect.

Once we’ve booked an event, we always offer to find “Bookend Events” for A|U Supported Authors – which are additional events we seek out that may be scheduled in the area on either end of the trip, so that we can maximize an author’s time and effort when traveling, and help them find new audiences!

Already have a trip planned outside of your hometown?

Let us know and we can work to find Bookend Events even when an event isn’t already scheduled.

We are tireless advocates.

Our business is two-pronged, with authors on one end and hosts on the other. Since we work with selection committees year round, we always recommend our A|U Supported Authors first, and identify new markets where their visits match perfectly with program goals.

We are currently closed to unsolicited queries for representation, and are only fielding referrals from Literary Agents or current AU Authors.