Andrew Forsthoefel

What Would You Say to Men If You Knew They Were Listening?

A|U Author Andrew Forsthoefel wants your input! He’s facilitating a workshop for men (and all those who identify as such) on the practice of trustworthy listening, and its role in 1) understanding the wounds of sexism, and then, if we can keep listening, and if we’re graced, 2) healing those wounds.

Andrew is asking men to listen: to themselves, to each other, to women. He’d like to take some time in the workshop to hear about what all kinds of women have to say about the topics of men/masculinity and listening.  That’s where we need your help!

Would you please give 20 minutes of your day to a group of men who will be gathering with the sincere intention to learn how to be better listeners? With the help of some sisters and aunties, Andrew has drafted a questionnaire for women to fill out, as a way to share what you have to say. He will be asking some of these questions in the workshop.

The workshop is called “Approaching the Wounded Lion: Re-imagining Masculinity in the Age of #MeToo.”  Any and all input is very much appreciated!