An exclusive cultural event will take place in Greece from September 26th to October 1st 2019.
It will be hosted in Westin Costa Navarino, an idyllic destination in one of the most unspoiled and breathtaking places in the Mediterranean with a history spanning across 4.500 years!
The 6-day “reading retreat” is designed for a limited number of participants, with the award-winning American author of the iconic books Circe and Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller. Miller draws her inspiration from the writings of Homer and is well known for her ability to bring the myths into the contemporary reality, creating a relevance that promotes the ancient Greek spirit and culture.
The retreat will feature reading sessions, workshops and open discussions with the author, as well as interactive activities and tours. The in-depth journey into Homer’s myths and stories will be facilitated by the contribution of the well-known Classics Professor and an honorable researcher at The Academy of Athens, Dr. Evi Papadodima.
Participants will immerse into an ancient culture and nurture their souls with the wise learnings of the glorious past. They will be given the opportunity to interact with like-minded people and enjoy the experience of visiting the pristine beaches of Greece, a land of spectacular beauty with an endless variety of landscapes.
The event is exclusive with a limited number of participants. The list will be finalized by the end of March 2019, the latest. Early bird participation has been announced for the period until the 31st of January. Tickets can be found through Eventbrite and exclusive travel agents.
Register today for the early bird discounts!