A Look at What Inspires Misako Rocks!


A look at Misako’s newest book ‘How to Draw Kawaii Manga Fashion’ and what goes into her creative process.

Misako’s creativity and energy are magnetic. She brings spark and inspiration to every audience.

Where did Misako Rocks! Come from?
My last name is long and difficult to pronounce, so I decided to create a pen name that is catchy and fun to say.
How do you stay inspired and creative?
My manga students from my online school, Learn Manga with Misako, are truly my inspiration and motivation. I’ve gotten to know them very well and learned a lot about their personalities and lives, which has helped me create great stories.
How do you inspire growth and life lessons in your books?
In addition to my students, my personal experiences play a significant role in my book creation. I’ve faced numerous challenges in pursuing my dream of becoming a manga comic artist in the U.S. Moving here from Japan as a college exchange student, I never anticipated becoming an artist. However, this journey has strengthened my resilience and courage. I aim to convey this message through my books.
What are some of the best questions you’ve had a kiddo ask you at an event?
I’ve been asked about the Japanese school systems because readers of my book, Bounce Back, are curious. It always amazes me to learn that many American students are interested in living in Japan! Another common question I receive is about attending art school. Students often ask me whether they should pursue art school to become an artist.
What kind of stories did you like when you were younger?
Slice of life and love triangles were significant and trendy themes when I was younger. I loved reading those manga!  Additionally, I enjoyed reading stories about samurai, influenced by my dad and brother.
What kind of stories and books do you like now?
I adore reading sports manga, particularly those centered around baseball and basketball. While I don’t play either sport, I find joy in reading about them. Stories involving teamwork are very inspirational. Additionally, cat manga holds a special place in my heart; I find them incredibly kawaii!
If you had to choose one of your characters to switch places with, who would it be?
I’d choose Nicco, who serves as Lilico’s Guardian Spirit and companion cat. It would be delightful to be a talking cat. 😉
Does getting a book published still feel as exciting now as it did the first time?
Yes, definitely! I feel incredibly fortunate to create stories and share them with amazing publishers. At the same time, I get nervous because people will judge my story. That’s just how it goes, you know? I can’t please everybody, but if my book can make an impact on somebody’s life, that’s all I need.
How do you celebrate finishing a book? Do you take a nap or do you do something fun? Because I think that I would take a nap.
I typically celebrate with my students during lessons. So far, every publication day has coincided with my lesson days! I love receiving reactions from my students and expressing gratitude to them.
Find Misako’s author page here: https://authorsunbound.com/misako-rocks/