Robin Waller Kimmerer, Raina Telgemeier, and Authors Unbound Visit Alaska

Authors Unbound Authors Visit Alaska

If you don’t yet know, May in Alaska is a beautiful time of year. Temperatures warm and spring begins to show herself. Against the backdrop of this seasonal shift, two Authors Unbound authors had speaking

events in Alaska. Enthusiastic audiences welcomed Raina Telgemeier and Robin Wall Kimmerer, respectively, at Anchorage Library and the Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference.




Highlights from Raina Telgemeier’s visit can be found here:


Robin Wall Kimmerer spoke at the four-day writing conference:


Authors Unbound Director, Christie Hinrichs, and Events Agent & Educator Liaison, Rebecca Miller, accompanied Kimmerer and Telgemeier on these events. Of the trip, Hinrichs says,”Traveling with authors is a huge perk of the job! It provides our agents and staff the invaluable experience of seeing an event through from start to finish, meeting the hosts we work with year after year, and cheering on our authors in person. Rebecca (our lead Kid Lit Agent) and I had the great privilege of accompanying both Robin Wall Kimmerer and Raina Telgemeier for separate events in Alaska, where we were knocked out by passionate book lovers and the epic landscape. We choose an event to attend every Spring and Fall… next up, Shelby Van Pelt’s September event for Richardson Reads in Texas!”