Implementing an anti racist approach can be a struggle.

We might know what that term means, but Lorena has found that not many of us know what that looks like in practice. So, she got to work and created a workbook for all of us. In this book, you’ll find hands-on strategies couched in love and justice.

Lorena walks us through some theoretical and research-based frameworks to develop anti racist reading instruction practices.


What strategies implement an anti racist stance?

What does it mean to be a reading teacher or teach young people how to read/analyze/comprehend in an anti racist way?

Why This Workbook?

Education is implicated in the troubling scenes we are seeing in our country this summer of 2020, because education is one of the institutions that has played a role in the racism that built our nation.

The good news is that there is great and achievable anti-bias and anti-racism (ABAR) work that we can do to begin restoration.