ByronGravesByron Graves is Ojibwe and Lakota. He was born and raised on the Red Lake Indian Reservation, where he pl…
Winona & PriyaGuo & VulchiIn 2014, Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo entered sophomore year of high school, only a few months after the m…
AlisonHawthorne DemingAlison Hawthorne Deming was born and grew up in Connecticut, where she was steeped in both literary and n…
JonHickeyJon Hickey was born in Mankato, Minnesota and grew up in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He is an enrolled citiz…
BrandonHobsonDr. Brandon Hobson is the author The Removed, as well as the novel, Where the Dead Sit Talking, which was…
DeborahHopkinsonDeborah Hopkinson is the award-winning author of more than 70 books for young readers including picture b…
Rebecca GayleHowellRebecca Gayle Howell is an award-winning poet, translator, and editor of place-based literature. As the g…
RenéeKurillaRenée Kurilla is a children's illustrator, author, and designer who loves drawing nature, animals, and wo…
Meg EdenKuyattMeg Eden Kuyatt is an autistic novelist and poet based in the DC area. She is the author of five poetry c…
JeanKwokJean Kwok is the award-winning, New York Times and international bestselling author of The Leftover Woman…
JustinLeeFor more than 25 years, Justin Lee has been known for handling divisive issues with thoughtfulness and nu…
KenLiuKen Liu is an American author of speculative fiction. A winner of the Nebula, Hugo, and World Fantasy awa…