MegWaite ClaytonNew York Times bestseller and book club favorite Meg Waite Clayton is the author of nine novels, most rec…
RobinWall KimmererFor all bookings, please submit Robin's Inquiry Form and an Agent will return to you ASAP. Robin Wall K…
KirkWallace JohnsonKirk Wallace Johnson is an author and screenwriter. His books include The Fishermen and the Dragon: Fear…
CrystalWilkinsonCrystal Wilkinson, a recent fellowship recipient of the Academy of American Poets, is the award-winning a…
DianeWilsonDiane Wilson (Dakota) is a writer, educator, and environmental advocate, who has published four award-win…
LisaWingateLisa Wingate is the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Before We Were Yours, which remained on the N…