Helena KuRheeHelena Ku Rhee is an award-winning author of books for kids and the young at heart. Her latest book, Sora…
ElizabethRushElizabeth Rush is the author of The Quickening: Antarctica, Motherhood, and Cultivating Hope in a Warming…
ZoëSchlangerZoë Schlanger is a staff writer at the Atlantic, where she covers climate change. She is the author of Th…
GrantSniderGrant Snider began writing and drawing as a kid, creating pictures, poems, and stories from his imaginati…
MeeraSriramMeera draws from her life straddling the East and West to tell stories. She grew up in India and moved to…
SofiThanhauserSofi Thanhauser is a writer, artist, and musician, based in Brooklyn. She is the author of Worn: A People…
KelseyTimmermanKelsey Timmerman is the New York Times bestselling author of the "Where Am I?" series: Where Am I Wearing…
JonathanWatermanJon Waterman is an award-winning author and photographer renowned for his immersive explorations of wilde…
KinariWebbKinari Webb is an American physician who first came to Indonesia in 1993. Kinari developed the vision for…
MitchellZuckoffMitchell Zuckoff is the Redstone Professor of Narrative at Boston University. He covered 9/11 for The Bos…