Mary WinnHeiderMary Winn Heider has published 27 books, performed Off-Broadway, worked on a train in Alaska, and ridden …
Alastair HeimAlastair Heim is the author of several children’s picture books including The Great Puppy Invasion, which…
DoriHillestad ButlerDori Hillestad Butler is the author of more than 60 books for young readers including the two-time Geisel…
DeborahHopkinsonDeborah Hopkinson is the award-winning author of more than 70 books for young readers including picture b…
AliKamandaAli Biko Sulaiman Kamanda is an award-winning filmmaker and social entrepreneur from Sierra Leone, West A…
Susan B.KatzSusan B. Katz, NBCT is an award-winning, bestselling, Spanish-bilingual author/illustrator with Scholasti…
RenéeKurillaRenée Kurilla is a children's illustrator, author, and designer who loves drawing nature, animals, and wo…
RajaniLaRoccaRajani LaRocca is a physician and award-winning author of books for young people. She was born in Bangalo…
CaronLevisCaron Levis (MFA, LMSW) is the author of several star reviewed and award-winning picture books including …
LaurenMagazinerLauren Magaziner is the author of the Case Closed series, The Mythics series, The Only Thing Worse Than W…
ScottMagoonScott Magoon is a native New Englandah who’s been designing, writing and illustrating books for young rea…
JenMaliaJen Malia speaks to students, parents, teachers, librarians, administrators, community leaders, and write…