JeanKwokJean Kwok is the award-winning, New York Times and international bestselling author of The Leftover Woman…
MichaelLealiMichael Leali (he/him) is an author and educator born and raised in the Chicago suburbs and currently liv…
CaronLevisCaron Levis (MFA, LMSW) is the author of several star reviewed and award-winning picture books including …
JenMaliaJen Malia speaks to students, parents, teachers, librarians, administrators, community leaders, and write…
DanielMiyaresDaniel Miyares is a critically acclaimed picture book author and illustrator. Some of his books include: …
CherryMoCherry Mo is the Caldecott-Honor winning author-illustrator of her debut picture book, Home In A Lunchbox…
OgeMoraOge Mora is a collage artist and storyteller. Her picture book, Thank You, Omu!, was a Caldecott Honor, C…
SavalaNolanSavala Nolan is the author of Don’t Let It Get You Down: Essays on Race, Gender and the Body. She and her…
LauraObuobiLaura Obuobi was born and raised in Accra, Ghana, but has been living in the United States since 2003. Sh…
RexOgleRex Ogle is the award-winning author of over a hundred books, comics, memoirs, and graphic novels. Born …
ZachariahOHoraZachariah OHora is the illustrator of the New York Times best seller Wolfie the Bunny. His debut as an au…
MirelleOrtegaMirelle Ortega is an award-winning Mexican artist and writer for kidlit and animation based in Los Angele…