Sarah LynneReulSarah Lynne Reul is an author, illustrator and award-winning animator who likes science, tiny things and …
AlysonRichmanAlyson Richman is the #1 international bestselling author of nine novels including The Velvet Hours, The …
JenniferRobsonJennifer Robson is the acclaimed author of seven historical novels, all of them international number-one …
SaïdSayrafiezadehSaïd Sayrafiezadeh was born in Brooklyn and raised in Pittsburgh. Most recently, he is the author of the …
VesperStamperBorn in Germany and raised in New York City, Vesper Stamper has been an illustrator for over 20 years and…
MegWaite ClaytonNew York Times bestseller and book club favorite Meg Waite Clayton is the author of nine novels, most rec…