VitaMurrowVita Murrow is an Author, Educator and Artist. Her experience spans leading literacy programs, classroom …
AdibaNelsonAdiba Nelson is the woman who brings as much truth to power in her writing, as she does in her speaking. …
G.NeriG. Neri is the Michael L. Printz and Coretta Scott King award-winning author of such books as the bestsel…
LauraObuobiLaura Obuobi was born and raised in Accra, Ghana, but has been living in the United States since 2003. Sh…
RexOgleRex Ogle is the award-winning author of over a hundred books, comics, memoirs, and graphic novels. Born …
ZachariahOHoraZachariah OHora is the illustrator of the New York Times best seller Wolfie the Bunny. His debut as an au…
MirelleOrtegaMirelle Ortega is an award-winning Mexican artist and writer for kidlit and animation based in Los Angele…
JasonPlattLike most artists out there in the world, Jason Platt was known as that kid in the class who could draw. …
SeanQuallsSean Qualls finds inspiration everywhere. Growing up in the 70's in central New Jersey, his family didn't…
JorgeRedmondJorge Redmond currently works in the Buncombe County District Attorney's office as an Assistant District …
Sarah LynneReulSarah Lynne Reul is an author, illustrator and award-winning animator who likes science, tiny things and …
Helena KuRheeHelena Ku Rhee is an award-winning author of books for kids and the young at heart. Her latest book, Sora…