Deborah CopakenDeborah Copaken is the New York Times bestselling author of seven books, including Shutterbabe, The Red B…
MattEicheldingerMatt Eicheldinger is a middle school teacher, author, and storyteller. He spent most of his childhood pla…
JessicaGroseJessica Grose is an opinion writer at The New York Times, where she writes a newsletter on parenting. …
MichelleHortonWriter and activist Michelle Horton is the author of Dear Sister: A Memoir of Secrets, Survival, and Unbr…
RenéeKurillaRenée Kurilla is a children's illustrator, author, and designer who loves drawing nature, animals, and wo…
DarriaLong GillespieDr. Darria Long is a Harvard and Yale-trained practicing Emergency physician, Clinical Assistant Professo…
OgeMoraOge Mora is a collage artist and storyteller. Her picture book, Thank You, Omu!, was a Caldecott Honor, C…
AdibaNelsonAdiba Nelson is the woman who brings as much truth to power in her writing, as she does in her speaking. …
LisaUngerLisa Unger is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of twenty-one novels, including T…