“Over the past few years, I’ve found it harder and harder to get my grade 3 students interested in writing. Darren Lebeuf’s workshop, Let’s Write a Story’, was an engaging experience for everyone, including my reluctant writers! The students were able to see the initial illustrations and rough drafts of his published books. They learned how an author comes up with ideas and makes a plan for a story. While brainstorming ideas together, every child had the opportunity to participate and be heard. We can’t wait to invite Mr. Lebeuf back to our classroom!” — Marla Korcek, Grade 3 teacher
“I loved seeing the students being engaged in learning something new and exciting-which was also relevant to them! The students were so excited about this and to see the finished page you sent!” — Erika Paret, Grade 2 teacher
“Your workshop was a great introduction to story writing for my class. You went through the steps really thoroughly and gave them a good starting point of what it takes to write a good story. Thank you so much for coming to my class to teach them about writing a story! The kids were very engaged and excited when I showed them the final result of the story that we created together. Thank you so much for coming!!” — Krista Viel, Grade 2 teacher
“A celebration of city life’s sounds, sensations, and faces.” — Kirkus Reviews
“A positive book featuring a blind character embracing her full life.” — Booklist
“It’s a sensory delight, this one.” — Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
“Though simple at first glance, My City Speaks is a nuanced and rich text that can be a great conversation starter on differently-abled people, the importance of paying attention, and the senses.” — CM Magazine