“Sarah & Ian’s visits to our class help us to cultivate an environment where students feel safe to express themselves, explore their identities, and appreciate and support others.” — Anjali Ramisetti, Katherine Delmar Burke School, 2025
“The first time I heard Sarah & Ian tell their story, I was in awe of them. Their loving, unconditional acceptance of their child is a model every parent should see. What a lucky child Sam is to get to grow up with Sarah and Ian as his parents!” — Susan Rahman, College of Marin, 2022
“Sarah and Ian were so thoughtful in providing just-right content for our kindergarteners all the way up to our older students. Their loving and honest stories, easy back-and-forth with one another, and humorous delivery of a delicate topic made this sensitive, yet oh-so-critical topic digestible and relatable. This is a conversation that I hope students, teachers, and parents will continue to have with more ease thanks to the Hoffmans. I’m so grateful to them for sharing their gift of their family’s journey, and their beautiful storytelling, with our entire school community.” — Kristine Keane, George Peabody School, 2021
“Sarah & Ian have a unique ability to capture the joys and challenges of raising a gender-nonconforming child. Their natural ability as storytellers, combined with their insightful reflections on their own journeys as parents, make them compelling speakers for a diverse range of audiences. Balancing humorous anecdotes with poignant realism, they build awareness, understanding, and acceptance of families and children navigating this challenging terrain.” — Joel Baum, Gender Spectrum Education and Training, 2020
“Sarah and Ian’s willingness to share the story of their family with my students has opened up new dialogue and understanding of children with diverse expressions of gender. The research they have completed with other families with children who cross gender “boxes” has been invaluable in helping teachers understand the perspectives of parents and caregivers, and how we can support them as educators. We always appreciate their openness and willingness to share time with us!” — Tracy Burt, Child Development and Family Studies Department City College of San Francisco, 2016
“I want to let you know how much I appreciate your books. The hope for grace they offer and the long tail of respect and understanding they will have on generations is a beautiful thing.” — Calvin Crosby, California Independent Booksellers Alliance