“Michael was the most wonderful speaker! He presented to around 100 upper grade students, sharing his stories, his writing process and his belief that every child’s story matters. The students were highly engaged, curious and felt very seen by Michael! I could tell the engagement was high by all the hands in the air during the Q&A, and their eagerness to talk to him after his presentation was over. All of the teachers and staff agreed that Michael brought such a warm, authentic energy to his visit, and everyone was so excited to start reading his new book!” — Rachel Budge, Library Media Specialist, Emerson Elementary School, 2024
“It was a pleasure having Michael Leali share about his books and writing process with our third grade class. He connected with the kids and highlighted how everyone’s voice is important. What a wonderful message to share! I loved how he shared his writing pieces, even from when he was in 3rd grade! He also talked about what a modern retelling is and how it can be a way to share a well-known message, with a new perspective. I’m so glad we got to meet him, and we look forward to reading his stories in the future!” — Lisa, Teacher, The Berkeley School, 2024
“Michael Leali’s author visit to our school transcended the ordinary and sparked the extraordinary in every student who attended! Our students were absolutely captivated while Leali walked them through his writing and publication process, getting sneak peeks at his first written works from his own childhood, and in lively discussions, and Q&A session that left each student feeling seen and valued and their minds ignited to share their own stories.” — Rebecca Nelson, Learning Commons Director, Jefferson Junior High School, 2023
“Our school has been fortunate to have Michael Leali visit school multiple times. During his author visit, he discussed how his first novel, The Civil War of Amos Abernathy, came to be, his writing process, and the idea that YOUR story matters. Michael also provided writing workshops that break down the process of brainstorming, drafting, and editing for young, aspiring writers. Michael’s discussions and writing workshops are thoroughly engaging for our students, and his extensive knowledge of the writing and publishing process has been very insightful for them. His underlying messages of the importance of their stories and that they are “worthy of taking up space” have been equally impactful. After the sessions, many students have raved about Michael and explained how meaningful his presence and discussions are for them. I cannot recommend him enough. He is a fantastic and inspiring author!” —Teresa Fawer Buan, Library Media Specialist, Thompson Junior High, 2023
“Mr. Leali worked with students of my school throughout the 2022-2023 school year. With the 4th and 5th Graders, he instilled the love of reading and writing by sharing his own inspirations and techniques he uses as an author. The students created their own writing pieces in the process. For the K-3 classrooms in the building, Mr. Leali brought books alive with his animated readings of books and sharing stories of his own childhood. He even worked with our students with Autism and accommodated readings to meet their needs. Mr. Leali was part of our school family; we even called him our Book Ambassador. What he brought to our students could never be replicated. I am honored and grateful that we had this opportunity to work with this amazing author.” — Casey O’Connell, Principal, Western Avenue School, 2023